San Diego Child Abuse Lawyer

Under Penal Code 273d, child abuse cases are considered serious crimes. Often, the accused ends up facing harsh penalties.

Among the many types of child abuse that you can be accused of include physical abuse, psychological abuse, and much more. And when it’s about committing a crime on children, simply an accusation does enough damage to cause lasting effects – even if you are not convicted. That’s why it’s crucial to have a legal consultation first before considering to appear in court.

At The Law Office of Marc S. Kohnen, we deal vigorously with child abuse charges to protect our clients’ rights. So, no matter the graveness of the charges, our ultimate goal remains one: to help you reclaim your peace of mind.

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Who Can Be Convicted of Child Abuse Charges?

Every year, Californian courts oversee more than 3 million child abuse cases. Although most cases carry substantial evidence of the crime happening, often the charges are filed solely out of revenge. And since the government and healthcare workers are supposed to report suspected child abuse activity, it can lead to quick action by the police, even immediate arrest.

It’s a significant thing to note that child abuse crimes are not committed by parents only. Instead, any person assigned the role of a child caregiver can be accused of child abuse, given sufficient evidence. These parental figures can include everyone from coaches, relatives, teachers, babysitters, daycare service providers to houseguests, etc.

Since child abuse cases are solely based on evidence, it lays a heavy responsibility on the prosecution. So much so that they can often override the rights of the accused to avail of proof. Unfortunately, that means facing serious child abuse charges even when you are innocent. Therefore, hiring a child abuse attorney can be your best bet to evaluate your options and navigate your way through the legal technicalities.

Child Abuse & Its Types

Child abuse is spread across several actions or inactions pertaining to physical, emotional, sexual, or verbal abuse. These crimes can be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony, depending upon the case specifications.
A person accused of physical abuse is suspected of physically assaulting the victim. This abuse can include bruising, cutting, burning, or any assault that harms the child physically.

Unlike physical assault, which results in a visible injury, emotional abuse includes public humiliation, verbal assault, and personal attacks to degrade a child.

Those accused of child sexual abuse are dealt with severely as it pertains to committing sexual activity with a minor. That means facing severe penalties if found guilty.

Child Molestation

Molestation refers to any lewd act committed on a child. These acts can involve anything from touching a child to any activity that causes harm. Being charged with child molestation charges can also lead to additional charges, such as violent charges and assault and battery.

And if a person is found guilty of unlawful sexual intercourse with an individual under 21 or 16, he can be charged with statutory rape under panel code 261.5.

All these accusations and the implications are challenging to deal with if the charges are based on false evidence. That’s why The Law Office of Marc S.

Kohnen has a keen eye on how the courtrooms function. Being an experienced child molestation defense attorney, Marc will evaluate every aspect of your case and defend your rights in court. Above all, we’ll leave no stone unturned to give you back the reputable life you deserve.

Penalties for Child Abuse

Child abuse charges, whether felony or misdemeanor, carry severe consequences. Not only do you face potential imprisonment and hefty fines, but the social stigma can be devastating.

You may also lose custody or parental rights if found guilty. The court, prosecutors, police, and caseworkers often view child abuse cases with gravity. Expect little sympathy.

That’s why it’s crucial to fight for your rights. As an experienced San Diego child abuse attorney, Marc Kohnen has successfully defended clients against false allegations. We’re dedicated to helping you achieve the same outcome.

Contact San Diego’s Best Child Abuse Lawyer Today

If you have been accused of child abuse, it’s best not to waste any time. And since the stakes are high, you can’t compromise on just anyone to defend you in court. Instead, you can consult the best San Diego child abuse lawyer.

The Law Office of Marc S. Kohnen is led by distinguished lawyer Marc Kohnen.

Carrying more than a decade of experience in obtaining favorable outcomes for his clients, Marc will stop at nothing until he’s done the same for you as well.

Contact us today for an initial confidential meeting to discuss your options.