It’s the most wonderful time of the year. It’s finally December. That means time spent with the family and happy kids getting their lists ready for Santa Claus. It also means holiday work parties, financial stresses, and overindulgence. Now, it’s okay to let loose sometimes. In fact, it may even be healthy to unplug and let your hair down every now and then. Unfortunately, the holidays can bring tense issues into the home. In this article, we are going to discuss domestic violence and avoiding criminal charges over the holidays.
Our law firm has been fighting for the rights of the accused for over 15 years. Marc is licensed in state and federal courts, and if you ask him, he’s handled nearly every type of case. Sadly, this time of the year brings with it the types of cases no San Diego defense attorney wants to take. Crimes that involve family violence. Tensions rise and feelings get easily hurt during the holiday months. We’re going to discuss ways that may help you calm down, and what you can do if you do end up in custody.
If you’ve been charged with domestic violence you may want to consider hiring a defense lawyer. San Diego criminal defense attorney Marc Kohnen offers a free consultation. So if you want to talk to a defense lawyer, you can do so without spending a penny. While all accused are legally innocent until proven guilty, the reality of an arrest is a bit different. If you’re facing any type of violent crime, chances are, the prosecutor believes you’re guilty.
So, does that mean you should throw in the towel and accept your fate? No, not at all. However, it may be advantageous for you to also think rationally. San Diego County is a family-based community. Law enforcement does not want to deal with drunken family fights turning into episodes of violence against women and children. So, if you’ve been charged with domestic violence or any violent crime, you may want to consider hiring an attorney.
First and foremost, our website does not provide legal or medical advice. If you want to obtain legal advice, you need to call our law firm at (619) 398-2500. Ask to speak with Marc or schedule a free consultation. If you feel that you need mental counseling or medical assistance you should call a doctor or 911. The following information is just our opinion on steps to take to avoid criminal charges over the holiday season. The opinions below are based upon our own experiences defending violent charges over the last 15 plus years.
Remember, the number one way to avoid criminal charges is to not break the law. With that said, here are some things you may want to consider if holiday tensions are causing you too much stress.
If you find yourself getting angry over drama with your spouse or inlaws, remove yourself. Learn to walk away from stressful family situations. We know that it sounds easier than it is. However, think about this. Would you rather spend the holidays free, or behind bars in a dirty jail cell? Yeah, walking away sounds a lot better now doesn’t it?
Maybe your spouse is hammering you about money over the holidays. Perhaps your boss or manager promised you a bonus then changed their mind. The point is this, don’t let your pride cause you to lose your temper. Again, walk away. Live to fight another day. Stress can get the best of anyone, but if your stress level is leading you toward physical violence ask for help. Below are some links for mental health resources in San Diego.
This one sounds funny, but it’s true, tried, and tested. If you find yourself in a verbal pissing match with your spouse or family (or anyone for that matter) remember that words won’t hurt you. However, getting arrested for a violent crime will hurt you. It will hurt you very badly. Again, the pattern here is to learn to walk away. Count to 10, do whatever you can to remain calm or just remove yourself from the presence of whoever is pissing you off.
Look, whether you believe it or not, the police are not out to get you. Law enforcement wants to create a safe environment and to keep our streets and city safe. So, if you find yourself about to lose it on your wife, husband, or anyone who simply won’t stop verbally harassing you, do not fight back with physical violence. Don’t allow someone else to bait you into a situation that may lead to you getting arrested. Call the police and ask for help.
Look, at the end of the day, even good people make bad choices. If a mistake has landed you in trouble with the law, we can help. There are lots of domestic violence attorneys in San Diego. However, none of them have the track record of Marc Kohnen. Mr. Kohnen holds a near-perfect 9.9 out of 10 AVVO rating. More importantly, Marc has over 56 perfect five-star yelp reviews. In fact, Marc is such a well respected San Diego defense attorney that he is often asked to speak about criminal defense on NBC, CBS, and ABC.
If you’ve been charged with domestic violence, or any violent crime, over the holiday season, call our law firm. You can reach our San Diego criminal defense law firm 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by dialing (619) 398-2500.